Thursday, February 6, 2014

Elias (The Lord is my God)

The Exciting News

We are so very excited to announce that this week we have officially received and accepted our referral. Our child is a 4 month old baby boy with big brown eyes and a huge smile. He has already stolen our hearts! We will be calling him Elias.

So where do we go from here?

Now is the hard part-waiting. Our agency is diligently working to submit our paperwork to the Ethiopian government and prepare us for court. We expect to travel to Ethiopia in July or August, and if all goes as planned bring him home before Christmas. This is a lengthy process, but we know that the Lord is in control.

What are we in need of?

This answer is simple, but never to be underestimated-PRAYER. We declare Jeremiah 29:11 over little Elias which says, "For I know the plans I have for you,”says the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." We believe in God's plans being fulfilled in each of our children's lives. We pray that you will join in with us in praying for the following as well.

  • Prayer for Elias to feel loved and secure
  • Prayer for Elias to be healthy and free from sickness
  • Prayer for our family to prepare our hearts and minds for this precious new addition
  • Prayer for favor among the Ethiopian government and a quick process
  • Prayer for finances as we are fundraising for the last of the travel expenses
We are so grateful for the many of you that pray and support our family everyday through this process. We are so very grateful and praise God for you. We would love to send pictures, but since we are not legally his parents yet, we cannot post them publically. But we will say that he is absolutely beautiful!

Nathan, Alison, Ethan & Bethany